There have been some recent changes that affect the QML<>qWidget stuff (now it's possible to combine (in one screen) them again):

On 04/18/2013 09:40 PM, Jarko Vihriala wrote:
Looking at the current SDK build engine:
[root@SailfishSDK SailfishOS-i486-x86]# find . -name QGraphicsView

So yes, the stuff is there all right, at least for time being. Look for API changes as If QGraphicsView is going to be deprecated in the future - you'll need to do changes.

I think the best way for you is to give it a go and find out the results then. That's why we in first place put out the SDK's for all major development PC environments - so that people can experiment SailfishOS with their own app.

As you progress, people on this mailing list will surely help you out.

thanks, Jarko

On 04/18/2013 08:06 PM, Duncan Waugh wrote:
Hi there,

I've seen a number of posts stating that QML is the paradigm of choice for UI apps under Sailfish. We have a game framework that uses QGraphicsView for all the rendering, and migrating everything over to QML is not an option. Can anyone confirm is it possible to produce a Sailfish application without using any QML, by sticking purely to QGraphicsView?

Thanks for any help.

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