As we don't know what Jolla will use yet, but below seems intresting 
alternative as appstore:

Also recomend read:

A SailfishOS Co-creators Community in 2014?



On Tuesday 05 November 2013 23.04.23 Artem Marchenko wrote:
> Hi All
> Phone is going to be in sales soon, app store is going to accompany it.
> What would you as app developer appreciate in the app phone?
> Is there anything on top of "just buy an app" or "just buy this game
> upgrade in-app" what could be an important feature for you? Any disruptive
> ideas?
> As for me, I'd appreciate a couple of options:
> 1. Built-in try-before-you-buy.
> To get rid of free/paid app pairs you see in the other app platforms. If
> developer doesn't mind, user should just be able to use app for free for
> some 7 or 30 days. After that - only after payment or with some features
> downgraded.
> 2. Built-in subscriptions, especially for micro-sums
> Subscription-based schemes motivate developers to improve apps all the time
> while worrying less about hit-or-miss situation, so it would be cool if app
> store supported it.
> I seriously would think even of small prices as just $0.95 a year, but it
> has to be charged on a monthly basis yet nobody is going to bug users with
> 10 cents monthly paid upgrade.
> It would be great if app store supported such subscription methods
> natively. And certainly it could be seamlessly combined with
> try-before-you-buy so that first month is completely free.
> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Artem.
> P.S.
> I am not working for Jolla, just a random developer interested in the topic.

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