
Having had a closer look at the Positioning sources, I think positioning.cpp is missing a line like:

qmlRegisterType<QDeclarativeCoordinate     >(uri, major, minor, "Coordinate");

Where would be the best place to report this as a bug?


Zitat von "Aaron McCarthy" <aaron.mccar...@jolla.com>:


On Wed, 20 Nov 2013 07:52:14 tw_bolek wrote:
What a mess...   It looks that it must have been moved from QtLocation to
QtPositioning only recently.

The positioning class were split out into a separate library to allow using
them in console applications without pulling in a lot of GUI dependencies.
Only the positioning library is being released with Qt 5.2. Non of the maps,
routing, places, and geocoding related classes have been officially released
by the Qt Project.

It seems to be only in QtPositioning 5.2. That's why it wasn't recognized
despite importing both QtLocation 5.0 and QtPositioning 5.0....

That is true, however, what is included in SailfishOS/Mer is very close to 5.2
even though it declares itself as 5.1. "import QtPositioning 5.0" and "import
QtLocation 5.0" should work.

Where and how can I install QtPositioning 5.2 from?  The one I have
installed is 5.0.....   Trying to import QtPositioning 5.2 returns:
"QtPositioning" version 5.2 is not installed "...

The RPM package you will need for development are qt5-qtpositioning-devel and

At runtime you will need qt5-qtdeclarative-import-positioning and qt5-
qtdeclarative-import-location, qt5-qtpositioning, qt5-qtlocation, plus
whatever positioning/geoservices plugins your application requires.


Aaron McCarthy
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