Thanks for the update, Lekku

Questions there are :)

**Submitted apps (and to be submitted ones)**
First of all what do we do with the apps already approved, under QA or
scheduled for submission tomorrow? You know, launch date is a very special
date, I wouldn't like to change anything unless absolutely necessary.

Will the apps violating these rules, but currently approved or submitted
and under QA still work fine for the launch? And will users get proper
update notifications when you change package name from e.g. flashlight to
com.iamcool.flashlight and update icon to 86x86?

What about the apps that are to be submitted today-tomorrow? Do you know
when this "will be a FAQ" will happen and since when shall it be enforced
(rather than just recommended)?

**QML API and Shared libraries**
What about standard Qt5 modules such as qt5-qtdeclarative-systeminfo
and qt5-qtgraphicaleffects
Can I still Require them in .yaml/.spec to guarantee that device will
install them or shall we bundle them in manually somehow?


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Iekku Pylkka <>wrote:

>  Ahoy all,
> As you might have noticed, there has been lot of stuff happening on
> application development and application releasing. Some of you who have
> already submitted applications to Harbour (Jolla's app store intake) have
> faced these challenges already. Thank you very much for your submissions.
> Here is a list of items we have identified that cause headache and are the
> reasons why your app might not have gotten store approval yet:
> - Icon size:
> ·         SDK still uses 90x90 icon size whereas the device uses 86x86.
> Harbour submission requires 86x86 icons. An update to the SDK will be
> released soon to sync it up to the new icon size.
> - Icon path defined in .desktop file:
> ·         Application icon path is not needed anymore (Icon=appname is
> enough), you will have to remove absolute paths for Harbour submission. The
> home screen in upcoming SDK release will have a fix for this.
> - Application name
> ·         There will be a FAQ on Harbour regarding what file names need
> to match the RPM package name at upload time. Your application name should
> be in "dotted" form, e.g. com.example.myapp and we will soon update Harbour
> to validate this and then all the applications should follow this naming
> convention.
> ·         For QML application development we support QtQuick 2.x and
> Sailfish Silica 1.0. In our repositories there are various other packages
> but as they are not reviewed by us we cannot guarantee that APIs they
> provide are available in future, so take caution when using them - your
> application might be rejected or stop working if you are using unsupported
> API.
> - Shared libraries
> ·         You can ship your own private copies of shared libraries that
> you link against in /usr/share/<name of your app>/, you are not allowed to
> install shared libraries anywhere else.
> - Private QML imports
> ·         If you are using custom QML imports, you have to install them
> into /usr/share/<name of your app>/, you are not allowed to install the QML
> imports anywhere else. Also, the name of your QML import must match the
> application package name (e.g. an application "org.example.coolapp" can
> only have a single private qml import module, and that must be imported as
> "import org.example.coolapp 1.0").
> - Runtimes
> ·         Application runtimes such as Python are not supported yet, but
> we are actively working on getting Python support into shape, at which
> point Python QML APIs will be allowed in Harbour. Stay tuned.
> - More info
> ·         There will be the mentioned FAQ page on Harbour which addresses
> the known application submission problems.
> Hopefully, most of these will make sense and not require clarification but
> if you need any help at all, just holler. We hope to expand the list of
> supported APIs, and are interested in feedback from you as to what you
> would like to see and be able to do in store applications.
> Should you have any questions or improvement ideas of these, please send
> replies to this mailing list.
> Happy hacking,
> The Jolla Crew
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