Ahoi Sailors;
I do believe this info will be available in the wiki as well, correct?


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Iekku Pylkka <iekku.pyl...@jolla.com>wrote:

>  Ahoy all,
> As you might have noticed, there has been lot of stuff happening on
> application development and application releasing. Some of you who have
> already submitted applications to Harbour (Jolla's app store intake) have
> faced these challenges already. Thank you very much for your submissions.
> Here is a list of items we have identified that cause headache and are the
> reasons why your app might not have gotten store approval yet:
> - Icon size:
> ·         SDK still uses 90x90 icon size whereas the device uses 86x86.
> Harbour submission requires 86x86 icons. An update to the SDK will be
> released soon to sync it up to the new icon size.
> - Icon path defined in .desktop file:
> ·         Application icon path is not needed anymore (Icon=appname is
> enough), you will have to remove absolute paths for Harbour submission. The
> home screen in upcoming SDK release will have a fix for this.
> - Application name
> ·         There will be a FAQ on Harbour regarding what file names need
> to match the RPM package name at upload time. Your application name should
> be in "dotted" form, e.g. com.example.myapp and we will soon update Harbour
> to validate this and then all the applications should follow this naming
> convention.
> ·         For QML application development we support QtQuick 2.x and
> Sailfish Silica 1.0. In our repositories there are various other packages
> but as they are not reviewed by us we cannot guarantee that APIs they
> provide are available in future, so take caution when using them - your
> application might be rejected or stop working if you are using unsupported
> API.
> - Shared libraries
> ·         You can ship your own private copies of shared libraries that
> you link against in /usr/share/<name of your app>/, you are not allowed to
> install shared libraries anywhere else.
> - Private QML imports
> ·         If you are using custom QML imports, you have to install them
> into /usr/share/<name of your app>/, you are not allowed to install the QML
> imports anywhere else. Also, the name of your QML import must match the
> application package name (e.g. an application "org.example.coolapp" can
> only have a single private qml import module, and that must be imported as
> "import org.example.coolapp 1.0").
> - Runtimes
> ·         Application runtimes such as Python are not supported yet, but
> we are actively working on getting Python support into shape, at which
> point Python QML APIs will be allowed in Harbour. Stay tuned.
> - More info
> ·         There will be the mentioned FAQ page on Harbour which addresses
> the known application submission problems.
> Hopefully, most of these will make sense and not require clarification but
> if you need any help at all, just holler. We hope to expand the list of
> supported APIs, and are interested in feedback from you as to what you
> would like to see and be able to do in store applications.
> Should you have any questions or improvement ideas of these, please send
> replies to this mailing list.
> Happy hacking,
> The Jolla Crew
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