
Le vendredi 29 novembre 2013, Superpelican a écrit :
> IMHO a file picker/chooser/dialog should be the number 1 priority for
> the Sailors right now
I agree 100% with this. Especially since we cannot use the
folderListModel from QML in harbour. With this QML plugin, one can
easily create a decent file chooser (I've done it for my porting project
Mæp https://github.com/dcaliste/maep-qt).

Besides, using folderListModel should be temporary before having a
unified filechooser UI. To help Jolla team, if they read, here are some
thoughts about a Jolla file chooser (please readers comment and add
suggestions of your own):
- I like the Maemo 5 filechooser, using it from the N900 since 4 years,
I found it easy to use and intuitive ;
- I definitly like the way going up from $HOME lists bluetooth, NAS and
SD card entries, very intuitive and convenient (it hides the complete
UNIX directories and just present relevant places for the user) ;
- it lacks a "sort by date" options (often use to find a recent file
that has been worked on) ;
- it lacks a favorite directories list easily accessible ;
- it lacks the "recently used" entry of the desktop GTK filechooser
that I find very easy to use to share files between applications.


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