4.11.2013 12:32, Roberto Colistete Jr.:
Em 04-11-2013 07:41, Artem Marchenko escreveu:
As for my current person and arguably humble opinion, iOS is doing just great without the file dialog. It does force/encourage all the apps use own sandbox only (and own file-like selection dialogs then) and calls for workarounds when you actually want apps to interoperate, but.. the simplicity benefits you get to user by hiding the file level are great.

Please, Sailfish community, don't take Android, iOS and other dumbed down mobile OS as examples. These mobile OS limit the freedom of the users, as well as developers : fake multi-tasking, restricted file system access, no dependencies, etc. For example, Ubuntu Touch 13.10 has more limitations than Android, because Canonical takes Android and iOS as models to copy many features. Please, Sailfish community, continue to take the examples from Maemo, MeeGo Harmattan and Nemo Mobile.
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