MultiMarkDown seems promising as it does not require Emacs, but I am not sure 

On 01.12.2013, at 20:41, Sven Putze <> wrote:

> Hi David,
> there are no religious feelings about LaTeX from my side, so I will sleep 
> over using another markup language :-)
> I definitely could use some input about merssh and the remote build process!
> Thanks!
> BR.
> Sven
> On 01.12.2013, at 20:07, David Greaves <> wrote:
>> On 01/12/13 15:18, Sven Putze wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> first of all: this is far from complete and basically just a skeleton yet. 
>>> Nevertheless I have started to write down a howto for SailfishOS 
>>> development.
>>> Criticism, suggestions, bugfixes, contribution wanted!
>> Hi Sven
>> This is good stuff - thanks.
>> May I make a suggestion though; please consider using something other than 
>> LaTeX
>> as the master for the content.
>> I like LaTeX a lot and in fact the pdf version of the User Guide
>> is produced using LaTeX.
>> However by compromising on layout control and using a simpler markup 
>> language we
>> were able to make a nice HTML version *and* make it easy to translate as 
>> well as
>> creating the LaTeX version.
>> I actually used org-mode [1] as my markup because a) I know it and use emacs 
>> and
>> b) it supports a per-publish-format options which let me tailor the LaTeX 
>> macros
>> and CSS output; but in retrospect I think Markdown may have been a better 
>> choice
>> Eg this is the original source for some of a chapter from
>> and it shows a couple of per-output tweaks as
>> well as some comment in the code ::
>> ####################################
>> * Lock, Home, Launcher and Events
>> The way your Jolla uses the screen is different - there are no fixed buttons 
>> or
>> status areas and the whole screen is available for your apps.
>> #+ATTR_LATEX: :macro \includegraphics
>> #+ATTR_HTML: :class float_img
>> file:img/wf-homelock.png
>> Jolla's main screen has three areas you get to by pulling up and down : 
>> they're
>> called Lock, Home and Launcher. The Events screen lists all your 
>> notifications
>> and you can access it from everywhere using a swipe gesture starting from the
>> bottom.
>> You arrive at Lock when you wake your Jolla (it's easy to recognise as it 
>> shows
>> the time). From here you pull up to see Home (showing your running apps and 
>> four
>> useful app icons). Pull up again to see the app icons for all your other 
>> apps.
>> Keep pulling down to go back.
>> When you click the power button, you see Lock, so let's start there.
>> # This lets the big image above appear on the left of the page in the HTML 
>> and
>> # stops the following headings from looking wrong
>> #+begin_html
>> <br style="clear:both;" />
>> #+end_html
>> ** Lock screen and icons <<Lock>>
>> Apart from the clock, Lock shows if you've missed any calls, texts, emails 
>> and
>> so on. It also tells you about updates and other notifications - it's 
>> generally
>> an information screen with some useful shortcuts in the menu.
>> So, what can you do here? Quite a bit :
>> * Quickly see if there are any events and notifications.
>> * If you Swipe up (not Pull up) the Events view will reveal more information
>> about the notifications.
>> * Pull up a little to check battery level and network status.
>> * Pull down a little to see the date at the bottom of a Pulley menu.
>> * Pull down more to quickly (un)silence the sounds, and get to the phone,
>> camera or settings.
>> * After you've chosen some favourite Ambiences, swiping from the side lets 
>> you
>> pick a favourite Ambience, which changes your ringtones and sounds too.
>> * Pull up more to get to Home.
>> If you're using the [[Device lock][device lock]] to stop people seeing 
>> personal
>> information on your device, your Jolla won't respond to some of these actions
>> until you unlock it. To do that just pull up and you see the unlock screen 
>> where
>> you can enter your unlock code.
>> * When you leave your Jolla on the Lock screen screen it goes back to sleep
>> quite quickly.
>> * If Swipe from the side doesn't work, then set some favourite Ambiences from
>> your photos in Gallery.
>> ####################################
>> (nb ... for various reasons someone decided to get the HTML 'fixed' by a
>> web-shop so it's a bit broken :) - it looks much better straight out of the
>> convertor)
>> As you can see this will really lower the barrier to contributing to the
>> document and to translating it.
>> If you choose to use org-mode then let me know as I will be automating the 
>> batch
>> processing of the content into HTML and pdf.
>> David
>> [1]

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