Great work!
A troubleshooting section with known issues could be great to have as well!


On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 10:27 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi Sven
> Have now downloaded. Lots of good content, but I need to read through it a
> few more times to comment in detail.
> One thing that immediately occurs to me is:
> 2.3 Linux
> While it is not "supported", an instalation of Sailfish within a Linux VM
> hosted on OSX works quite happily. It is some months since I did it (first
> sDK version), but I was able to install Lubuntu on VMWare Fusion hosted by
> OSX, and then install VirtualBox and the Sailfish SDK into that. The only
> problems I had could be replicated on a bare-metal install of Lubuntu.
> mfg
> Chris
> Zitat von "Sven Putze" <>:
>  Hi there,
>> first of all: this is far from complete and basically just a skeleton
>> yet. Nevertheless I have started to write down a howto for SailfishOS
>> development.
>> Criticism, suggestions, bugfixes, contribution wanted!
>> BR.
>> Sven
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