2013/12/12 Artem Marchenko <artem.marche...@gmail.com>:
> Hi All
> I am thinking of an app that would be primarily useful exactly via its cover
> interface, but used just few times a day. Think of a funny cat images
> changing each other during a day that you could like without leaving the app
> cover. Or this mailing list monitoring app that would let you jump to
> answers from cover (notification would be too distracting, but just peeking
> at task manager screen during a free minute would be good).

Well that's just what the events view is for, so you'll definitely
want to get a notification there. Not sure if you can do that without
popping up the banner though. Seems like a good use-case to have for
this kind of "low interest" notifications.

> Is there a way to "pin" my app cover to the task manager? Or could user
> somehow decide himself which cards to pin if letting each app to become
> pinned is too much freedom for the app?

Do you mean by pinned a fixed location or just that it won't be pushed
out of the view when there are more than 9 apps open?

You'll anyway see all the visible covers at all times when peeking, no?

Kalle Vahlman, Movial Creative Technologies Inc.
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