
2013/12/6 Wim de Vries <wsvr...@xs4all.nl>:
> Some of you referred to the 'OpenGL Under QML'
> (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.1/qtquick/scenegraph-openglunderqml.html)
> example.
> I got the example working in Sailfish.
> Only one problem.
> It doesn't show up within 'ApplicationWindow'. I have to comment
> ApplicationWindow{} out and use the Item as root element.
> Same problem to get it in 'Page'.
> Possibly there is already a Sailfish 'OpenGL Under QML'?

I've posted an example here to demonstrate how this would be done in theory:


Obviously for a real application, you will have to make sure to stop
the timer when the window goes into the background, etc..

HTH :)
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