Thanks Mikko, this works as expected.

As to understanding why the card state persists, do you have any pointer
to readings that would enlighten me ??


Le 18/12/2013 11:58, Mikko Leppänen a écrit :
> Hi,
> You can try something like:
> onStatusChanged: {
>         if (status === PageStatus.Activating) {
>             card.state = "hide"; // card = id for card component
>         }
> }
> Add above statement inside the CardPage.
> HTH,
> Mikko
> 2013/12/18 Franck Routier (perso) < <>>
> Hi,
> [Disclaimer: I'm still discovering Qt...]
> I have a page called CardPage that displays a Card component.
> Card has two states : show or hide. It will change state when clicked.
> When first shown, the CardPage sets its Card state to hide. The user
> can click and show the card. So far so good.
> Then the user goes back one page, can choose another card among
> several. When a card is chosen, the CardPage is shown again. But then,
> the last Card state is applied. I don't want that, I want to force the
> "hide" state each time the CardPAge is shown.
> 1) I don't really understand why/how the Card's state is persisted
> 2) I need to force the state each time the CardPage becomes active,
> and I don't know how to do that.
> Here is some code snippets:
> CardPage:
> Page {
>     id: cardPage
>     property string source
>     property string value
>     Column {
>         width: cardPage.width
>         spacing: Theme.paddingLarge
>         PageHeader {
>             title: "Your card !"
>         }
>         Card {
>             source: cardPage.source
>             value: cardPage.value
>             relSize: 3
>             state: "hide" // <-- I want this each time the page is shown
>             anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
>         }
>     }
> }
> Here is how it is called from my main page (where the user chooses
> between several cards):
> delegate: Card {
>                 id: myCard
>                 source: ico
>                 value: val
>                 onClicked: {
>                     pageLoader.source = "CardPage.qml"
>                     pageLoader.item.source = myCard.source
>                     pageLoader.item.value = myCard.value
>                     pageStack.push(pageLoader.item)
>                 }
>             }
> Thanks for your help.
> Franck
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