> I like it!
> But then again I knew I would ;)
> However as it is a beta release of the software, here's my list of issues
> collected so far.
> Mail client:
> - Cover shows 0 unread although both current folder and inbox has unread
> msgs.

this is probably not the unread, but recent, ie: new unread since last
check, this is a default imap function... (or it could still be a bug)

i would not like that, cause i have 78325 unread emails :-( ...

> Notes:
> - When sharing a note by email it gets sent as an attached VNOTE with the
> body
> base64 encoded and with a vcf extension which I thought was reserved for
> vCards?. I for one don't have any applications that can handle that
> format.

I believe that's called carddav ... something that people have been asking
support for with caldav...

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