I solved this in two ways:
1. Put SilicaListView inside SIlicaFlickable.

SilicaFlickable {
    interactive: !listView.flicking
    pressDelay: 0
PullDownMenu {}
PageHeader {}
SilicaListView {
    pressDelay: 0

Now i have fixed header and can always pull down menu, and its not intercepting with long lists inside ListView

    pressDelay: 0
2. Implemented FastScroll based on section sctolling. Just ported QML FastScroll component from harmattan components to Silica. Looks very nice and suitable for Sailfish UI.

On 26.12.2013 17:38, Luciano Montanaro wrote:
Hi everybody,

This is the second problem I realized I have, now that I can test my
application on the actual hardware:

With a long list of items in the view, it is possible to go so much
down the list of items, that accessing the pulley menu becomes

On Harmattan, this problem is avoided by two features:

* The toolbar is always visible and
* Long lists can be scrolled quickly through the use of the section
scroller item.

I am open to suggestions on how to fix this usability problem in my

Since I modeled the list on the "Contacts" application behavior, one
possibility is to do what the People internal application does:
Search on top, then favorites, recent stations, and alphabet grid.

The only problem is: the alphabet grid view is not available as a
Silica item for general use... Am I right? Is it planned for a furter

Alternatively, is something along the line of the SectionScroller
planned for a future update?

Thank you and best regards,

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