On 25.12.2013, at 18:49, Andrey Kozhevnikov <coderusin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> what profit of using long crypted password if you can't remember it or just 
> type, if you keeping your long and crypted password in some text file and 
> pasting it every time you need to reset your mail account?

My passwords are not in a plain text file, they are stored in a crypted KeePass 
file. Someone is creating an app for Jolla, so everything will be fine in 
future. The profit is of course security: I use different logon credentials for 
each and every account (not only emails). It's more about not re-using 
passwords for other accounts, the human brain is quite limited here ;-) And 
yes, this kind of security (or call it paranoia) comes at a price: 


P.S. Push2Sail came here to rescue, everything works fine now.


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