just generate random 32-ascii-chars password. it should be enough :)

On 27.12.2013 18:38, Putze Sven wrote:
On 25.12.2013, at 18:49, Andrey Kozhevnikov <coderusin...@gmail.com> wrote:

what profit of using long crypted password if you can't remember it or just 
type, if you keeping your long and crypted password in some text file and 
pasting it every time you need to reset your mail account?
My passwords are not in a plain text file, they are stored in a crypted KeePass 
file. Someone is creating an app for Jolla, so everything will be fine in 
future. The profit is of course security: I use different logon credentials for 
each and every account (not only emails). It's more about not re-using 
passwords for other accounts, the human brain is quite limited here ;-) And 
yes, this kind of security (or call it paranoia) comes at a price: 


P.S. Push2Sail came here to rescue, everything works fine now.

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