Hi David

Zitat von "David Greaves" <david.grea...@jolla.com>:

Having 2 Chris-es in the thread is a touch confusing but I think you have dev
mode working.

It confuses me as well, and I am one of the Chrises - hence this new thread!

1) Dev mode: Unfortunately I don't have dev mode working. It just spins a while trying to install the developer tools, then gives up without any error reported.

2) Harbour: I can get into the Harbour and see apps, but when I try to install, it get the same "try and install for a bit, then give up without any error reported" behavour.

3) Updates: Attempting to update from tells me I have the latest update installed.

I suspect that all 3 issues may have the same root cause (all are trying and failing to install stuff).

I have had an issue on the Emulator where pkcon gets "Empty Reply from server" (requiring "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf"), so I wonder if the real device has the same problem?


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