On Tue, 31 Dec 2013 07:16:36 +0100
christopher.l...@thurweb.ch wrote:

> Hi David
> Zitat von "David Greaves" <david.grea...@jolla.com>:
> > Having 2 Chris-es in the thread is a touch confusing but I think
> > you have dev mode working.
> >
> It confuses me as well, and I am one of the Chrises - hence this new
> thread!

I'll be CDW (UK) then ;-)

> 1) Dev mode: Unfortunately I don't have dev mode working. It just  
> spins a while trying to install the developer tools, then gives up  
> without any error reported.
> 2) Harbour: I can get into the Harbour and see apps, but when I try
> to install, it get the same "try and install for a bit, then give up  
> without any error reported" behavour.
> 3) Updates: Attempting to update from tells me I have the  
> latest update installed.

I had that issue all over Christmas. Being of little patience, I reset
the phone back to factory defaults and from there, it then did the
updates and I'm now on I have also just followed the link in
your previous mail to enable dev mode and that's gone straight through.

> I suspect that all 3 issues may have the same root cause (all are  
> trying and failing to install stuff).
> I have had an issue on the Emulator where pkcon gets "Empty Reply
> from server" (requiring "echo nameserver
> > /etc/resolv.conf"), so I wonder if the real device has the same
> > problem?

I didn't need to do that

Having reset the phone, it then came up with different screens
requesting different details (I can't remember what they were now, I
just remember thinking that I wasn't asked those details the first
time round) and this time it was successful so unless you have something
on the phone already that you don't want to lose, you could resort to
resetting it.

> Chris

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