W dniu 11.01.2014 16:06, Thomas Perl pisze:

The problem in this thread is that somebody is trying to do something that’s a 
bad idea in general.
The question should not be “How do I make /usr/share/$NAME world-writable?” 
(that is usually NEVER a good idea), but rather “My app wants to do this and 
that, my initial approach was to make /usr/share/$NAME world-writable, but 
that’s not allowed by Harbour, and now that I come to think of it, it’s 
probably the wrong solution - how would I solve this problem in a way that is 
acceptable by Harbour and still achieves my goal?” (and if you ask that 
question, I’ll be more than happy to help ;).

I don't care about running scriplets at all and I agree with author of the long (but not boring) post - all argumentation is reasonable. Anyway, I have a use case that's connected a bit with the topic. Some time ago I've posted on Together this idea:


Why I would want such possibility? It's actually connected with the following problem with Amazon App Store app:


So while I consider myself a power user I've just solved it, but it required switching to root (because I wouldn't be able to do it as a normal user) and doing some operations in the terminal (deleting settings etc.). Now let's imagine a normal, completely non-tech user hitting this problem and me giving him instructions:

- So first enable developer mode and open up the terminal ...
- Open what? you must be kidding, I'm not going to put my hands into that creepy dark thing with those white characters. I've heard people lost some stuff while playing in it.

Yup, that's how it would look like in most cases and even if such user would be motivated to follow my instructions, there is a huge risk that he can shoot himself in his foot along the way, because he is not aware what he is doing. So I had an idea of writing a Sailfish Silica app that would fix this problem without user having to go into terminal and doing risky things himself. Kind of "hit the button to fix the Amazon app store problem" app. Of course he would have to agree or enter password/lock code etc. through something like the kdesu on desktop.

So what would be the proper way of creating such app? Can someone from Jolla - Thomas or anyone there who feels competent in this area suggest the proper way of handling such use case. That could really help to mitigate some of the problems that non-tech users approach every day and make their overall experience with Jolla phone better.


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