
2014/1/21, kaa <k...@iol.cz>:
> [...] Crap [...] Bla, bla , bla .. FUD .. bla bla bla [...] LOL [...] 
> bullshit [...] Howgh [...]

Thank you for valuable feedback. :)

IMHO, it makes sense to have both, Harbour and OpenRepos. You can compare
those in their function to Maemo Extras and Maemo Extras Devel in the old N900
Everybody could upload to Extras Devel, but to get stuff into Extras, it had
to pass a quarantine and a (IMHO slow and frustrating) QA phase.
Only Extras was pre-enabled on sales devices, and even for this, Nokia
had to be
convinced first, that apps reaching Extras are ready for regular users.

Harbour has rules (sane rules IMHO) and QA (much less frustrating and
a lot faster than
the community-volunteer-driven Maemo Extras QA) to attempt to make
sure that apps

 - will install smoothly
 - will be compatible with future versions of the OS, where possible
 - will not break OS updates
 - don't compromise the system (well, it failed there, take the rpm installer
   in the Store, for instance)

I didn't include security in this enumeration, because we all know
that you cannot be
100% safe from malware, and OpenRepos may actually be safer in this
regard, if the
source is open.

The Flashlight app that phoned home with usage statistics still was legally
fine, though, even though phoning home is generally not well received.
It stole no
data, at least.

OpenRepos OTOH imposes no rules and no QA on the apps. Therefore, users should
be aware that apps

 - may not be installable or need more dependencies
 - may stop working with future OS updates
 - may even break OS updates (what happens in case of package conflicts?)
 - may compromise the system, as there are no limits

Basically, the users are free to do what they want with their devices. But for
legal reasons, the users must be informed about the consequences and accept
that if they break something, they get to keep the pieces.
The "Developer Mode" switch is this barrier.

It is a barrier that regular users (who may not even tell what a package is and
think of Linux as a laundry detergent) should not pass.
OpenRepos clearly lies beyond this barrier. That's why Harbour and the Jolla
Store are needed.

If you want to ignore Harbour, then that's your choice, and maybe it's fine as
your apps may be too advanced for the Average Joe, anyway.
But if you want to target the Average Joe, too, then you won't get around to
play by the rules of Harbour. It depends on who you want to reach.
Fortunately, Harbour rules are not set in stone and you can help shape them
for a better developer experience.

Just my 2 cents,
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