Hi Sven

I am equally curious:

Reading and rereading Bernd's mail I see

" ..contacts synced to the device from some third party services..."

I entered all the contacts on my phone myself (most via bluetooth from the N9). No third parties are involved at all. So surely my apps should have full readonly access.

If the source is an issue, then the source should be an attribute of each contact, thus allowing apps access to kosher contacts, and barring access to those from third parties.

Surely what an app does with the contacts is more important than the source of the contacts?

e.g. if an app "phones home" with a list of all the phone's contacts, that is not on.

But just displaying contacts, or using a contact to setup a call or an SMS seems legit to me.



Zitat von "Putze Sven" <sailfish...@hardcodes.de>:


could you please shed some light about this issue? What kind of service agreements? Between whom? Was there some hidden hint in the fine print I did not read why I bought the phone? Or to put it in some more provocative way: those contact data is *my* data and *I* want to decide what information is shared between which apps.


On 21.01.2014, at 18:04, Bernd Wachter <bernd.wach...@jolla.com> wrote:

Short answer: Right now it's not allowed for legal reasons: We are not
allowed to pass contacts synced to the device from some third party
services through to other applications.
(i.e., contacts not tied to some service

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