On 04/04/14 19:39, Filip Kłębczyk wrote:
W dniu 04.04.2014 18:00, Carsten Munk pisze:

There has been a lot of discussion surrounding SailfishOS, the open
source parts of it (incl. middleware within Mer and Nemo Mobile project)
and collaboration methods/practices -- and that we can do better than
how things are today.


Your mail is direct reaction to this widely retweeted tweet today:


and previous discussion that was conducted on Twitter. It's worth to
notice problem was published long time ago at Together, before it became



Since that time, no significant actions have been taken to fix that, but
that can be understood and justified considering other important things
for Jolla like preparing to MWC and Sailfish going out of beta.

It's safe to say that we've been in a crazy race to conditionally deliver features, fixes and ensuring our existence.

We would probably have had more time if we didn't switch SoC and do a Qt4->Qt5 + X11/Wayland transition; it's been too busy and we've lagged behind in doing proper open development with roadmapping ('Do everything needed to deliver a working product' isn't a good roadmap item), explaining our actions, transparency around our open source components. It's a good time to something about it now.

The discussions you link to have been a big source of inspiration to do something about this topic, as there has been many valid points in them.

We would really like to have constructive talk with the decisive people
around Sailfish, that have real influence and can change how open source
collaboration looks in practice (whoever those people are).
> We also want
for Jolla engineers who work on open source parts take part in that
discussion, as it's a topic that is directly connected with their work.

I will do my best to make sure that the right people will be there - a meeting where nobody can take actions or act on the meeting results isn't a good one.

I only have doubts that if it will be normal, uncontrolled IRC
discussion, that it might result in chaos (like many of those that were
made on this topic on IRC before).

I wanted to give my own proposal how
such discussion should look like from organizational point of view, so
there would be a chance for it's results to be satisfying for both sides
(Jolla & OSS community).

I agree, we still have time to set up an agenda - first thing you need to do is set a date in advance to make sure people will show up, then a proper agenda.

I've opened an etherpad at http://piratepad.net/SailfishOSSMeeting - please add topics for discussion.

Agenda is intentionally left blank as to make sure proper agenda items are brought up.

A background thing for this meeting is that (this is with my Mer and Nemo middleware hat on), there is an idea and/or intention is to merge the Mer and Nemo middleware repositories and infrastructure (bugtracker, git repositories, OBS repositories) together under the Mer project.

There has been a long unnatural split between Mer and Nemo middleware and a bit unclear one sometimes; causing also a semi-fork of Mer packages (Qt5) as Mer couldn't move fast enough. In the end, what most want from Mer is a solid mobile core and hence ended up using a combination of Mer and Nemo middleware anyway.

In that regard, there is a good opportunity to establish new practices and patterns of collaboration, hence why this meeting is a good thing to start with.

In the ideal future world from my point of view, if you'd like to contribute to SailfishOS open source middleware; you'd be contributing to Mer. Currently it is too confusing to contribute to - too much split information, different practices, different bugtrackers, even differing packaging practices, etc.

I haven't had time to made it yet, because I
had quite busy day, but I hope the fact that Carsten already took first
step and proposed a meeting does still give me a chance for doing that.
I think it's really important for the discussion to have proper and calm
form and I think it's possible considering goodwill on both sides.

Yes, I think we can do this.


PS. Personally I really count that Marc Dillon (Head of Software
Development in Jolla) will take part in it.

Carsten Munk
SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list

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