Thanks a lot Juha, I'll give the latest .prf a try!

On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Juha Kallioinen

>  On 22.04.2014 16:47, Luca Donaggio wrote:
> Did I hit a bug with the newly added translations support?
>  This two lines in .pro (I just changed the lang code in standard .pro
> file created by sialfishapp/qtquick app wizard) file:
> CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n
> TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-yourproject-it.ts
>  produce the following error at buld time:
> lrelease error: Cannot open
> /home/mersdk/share/Projects/SailfishOS/harbour-yourproject/translations/harbour-yourproject-it.ts:
> No such file or directory
>  Looking at sailfishapp_i18n.prf it seems it generates
> harbour-yourproject.ts file only, not all the *.ts files specified in your
> .pro file.
>   ....
>   Did I get something wrong or is it really a bug?
> You did nothing wrong. It is a bug.
> The translation support was very lightly tested and could fail in a number
> of ways.
> This support was changed and fixed over the Easter weekend. If you want to
> try the changes and know what to do, you can replace the
> sailfishapp_18n.prf file in the sb2 targets with the latest from here:
> Or as a workaround you can copy the existing .ts file to
> harbour-yourproject-it.ts in the project's translations folder.
> The changes will be released after the next device software release.
> Best regards,
>  Juha
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Luca Donaggio
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