On 22.04.2014 16:55, Gabriel Böhme wrote:
Hi Juha,

first of all - thanks for your fast answer! Secondary: it's not a big
problem in my case, cause my main system is Linux and there is
everything working fine. Also creating another user in Windows, may not
be perfect, but also not too much effort. ;)

But maybe it could help, if you allow to change the deploy path. Or the
path of the "SailfishAlphaX" folder itself. Because linking to the new
user solved the problem with the Qt Kits, what means it's building the
project, only deploy is not working. So the user (or the installer
checks) could change it to pure C:\ or something else the user wants? Or
is there something preventing this?

Hi Gabriel,

I just noticed that Qt Creator has a commandline option '-settingspath' that can be used to tell where it should save/load its settings from.

If you set it to for example "C:\SailfishOS\mysettings" then Qt Creator will use that as its settings directory. This should avoid the problem with non-ascii chars. In principle we could use this as a default for all windows installations, which is something we'll have to consider.

If you want to try this, you should add the -settingspath option to the SailfishOS IDE shortcut, which you use to launch the IDE.

Fixing the non-ascii chars in the bat files is proving to be a bit more involved than I had hoped.

Best regards,

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