On 21.05.2014 09:04, Iosif Hamlatzis wrote:
As I haven't gotten a response I am coming back to the issue:

After updating to the latest SDK on a Windows XP Pro with SP3 all warnings and errors have the same icon a red triangle. Pressing the button on the QtCreator IDE to display all or only errors doesn't work. Also double clicking on an error or warning it doesn't take me to the corresponding file/line.

Sorry, I think I did respond in the most annoying way: "works for me". I don't know what else can be done since the same Qt Creator source is used to build the Windows version. The Windows version is built in Windows 7 (32bit) with MSVC2010 compiler.

I also tested it in Windows 7 and I do get separate indication for warnings and errors as you can see [1]. Double clicking on an error/warning does take me to the corresponding file and line.

Is anyone else having the same problem as Iosif?

[1] http://i.imgur.com/MUjDAuM.png

I have tried this on two different machines both as an upgrade from previous SDK version and as a clean installation. All occasions similar conclusion.

Another thing is that when I try to debug on the actual device the application builds correctly and is automatically deployed on the device then a pop-up dialogue appears asking me for an executable, but which .exe or .cmd file should I use and what parameter should I pass? I presume as a parameter I should pass the name of the application I want to debug, but what is the executable?

The debugging from Qt Creator works if Qt Creator knows what the executable it needs to run is. The pop-up dialogue is an indication that in your project this is not the case.

Does the simple Sailfish template project application work for you in the way that Qt Creator would know which binary to run and consequently debug?

The template project is very simple and it is of template type "app" (which is the default and not mentioned in the template's .pro file). It only builds one binary and it's quite obvious for Qt Creator that that is the binary it needs to run.

I'm not sure how exactly Qt Creator figures out which binary to run in a more complex case.

Under the folder .....\SailfishAlpha4\mer-sdk-tools\MerSDK\SailfishOS-arm7hl are only files for compiling, packaging and deploying. NO debugging.


These files are internal for Qt Creator and SDK use and there should not be need to study them. Debugging is not done via any of those scripts as you have already discovered.

Best regards,

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