No comment on any topics related discussions, but it's probably good idea
to take a small hiatus from posting about these issues on a public mailing
list, and delete the threads from mailing list archives. It's only going to
be an embarrassment few months down the line.

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Filip Kłębczyk <>wrote:

> W dniu 23.05.2014 09:02, Jarko Vihriala pisze:
>> I don't deal with developer relations or alike - for that there is Iekku
>> and other people.
> In practice Iekku almost gave her voice completely to Stefano on this
> mailing list when it comes to developer relations. Also community manager
> Carol Chen didn't write anything on this matter. I wonder what for are
> those functions/titles (developer care relations, community manager) if
> those persons don't speak at all on this important matter impacting both
> developer relations and community.
> I hope Jolla finds courage and will agree to publish all the mails
> Developer Care sent and also if Iekku agrees to publish her mails she sent
> to me on this case with dates (if she doesn't want the mails from Developer
> Care are enough). Then everybody will be able to judge himself if the topic
> was ignored or not (facts Stefano, facts that you wanted, don't you?).
> The problem as it seen from the last mails is complex and deserves fair
> treatment. Again there was my proposal for mediation, which wasn't
> discussed at the meeting as I've asked.
> Also I don't think that statements saying that this problem is a complete
> private thing between me and Thomas Perl are correct. If Carsten said that
> one of the reasons that I cannot work in Jolla is his fear that Thomas
> would probably exit the company, when I would join, then I think it clearly
> shows the conflict affected decisions made on company side at least by
> Carsten.
> Also Carsten has written in his mails:
> "I understand that there may be two schools of thoughts here - that the
> person on the other side of the McDonalds' counter is a faceless
> automaton only there to serve customers.. or that the person on the
> other side of the counter is a human with feelings, relations, rights
> and worries."
> Ok so you are stating here that there are two approaches where someones
> private area can or not influences his work. If you prefer second option
> then the big problem is to what point it can influence his actions at work
> when having personal conflicts. Where is the border?
> Let me give you an example if someone works in Ministry of
> Enviroment/Ecology and after hours throws trash to the forest, how would
> you call that? What ministry should answer if someone asks about that
> duality?
> If someone as employee talks about hacking event on Together (Jolla
> official communication channel) and then on IRC of that event says
> (privately or not) that he excludes one of the community members from
> taking part in that event, how do you call that? Do you see similarities
> with the previous example?
> So taking the two cases into account:
> a) Thomas trying to exclude me from the event (let's assume privately)
> b) Thomas not answering only my questions (answering others) on official
> channel (Harbour was pointing to it) as Jolla employee
> 1. If someone will state that work and private areas influence each other,
> then you are giving power to point a), that can be considered as
> discrimination/abuse.
> 2. If someone will state (opposite to point 1) that work and private areas
> can be completely divided/separated then you give power to point b) as a
> discrimination.
> You see inconsistency in Jolla behavior? It's logic, something with what
> technical people should be familiar with.
> Regards,
> Filip
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