Sorry Marcin, misread the name :)

2014-07-16 18:55 GMT+06:00 Dmitriy Purgin <>:
> Hi Martin,
> I had the same issue while dealing with a similar problem where start
> page was showing BusyIndicator while the application is loading. What
> I did is connected to Component.onCompleted in ApplicationWindow,
> start the initialization procedure and replace the page after
> initialization is done:
> // main.qml
> ApplicationWindow
> {
>     Component.onCompleted: {
>         pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("pages/Loader.qml"))
>         myApp.initialize(); // call of an exposed C++ method
>     }
> }
> // Loader.qml:
> Page {
>     BusyIndicator {
>         running: myApp.initializing // Q_PROPERTY exposed in C++ class
>     }
>     onRunningChanged: {
>         if (!running)
>             pageStack.replace(Qt.resolvedUrl("FirstPage.qml"))
>     }
> }
> I think you can add both of your pages in Component.onCompleted() of
> the ApplicationWindow and switch between them in runtime.
> Cheers
> 2014-07-16 18:45 GMT+06:00 Marcin M. <>:
>> Take back what I said. The workaround doesn't work. :P
>> --
>> Marcin
>> 2014-07-16 14:42 GMT+02:00 Marcin M. <>:
>>> This way the dialog opens after closing the dialog. Worked it around by
>>>     Component.onCompleted:
>>>     {
>>>         while (status != PageStatus.Active) {}
>>>         openWelcomeDialog()
>>>     }
>>> --
>>> Marcin
>>> 2014-07-16 11:01 GMT+02:00 Andrey Kozhevnikov <>:
>>>> do not use onCompleted in this case. use status == PageStatus.Active
>>>> instead
>>>> 16.07.2014 14:58, Marcin M. пишет:
>>>> I'd like to open a welcome dialog at startup which can be disabled by a
>>>> user.
>>>> Page
>>>> {
>>>>     id: mainPage
>>>>     function openWelcomeDialog()
>>>>     {
>>>>         var component = Qt.createComponent("WelcomeDialog.qml")
>>>>         var popup = component.createObject(mainPage)
>>>>     }
>>>>     Component.onCompleted: openWelcomeDialog()
>>>>     // ...
>>>> }
>>>> In fact
>>>> [W] unknown:90 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml/Sailfish/Silica/PageStack.js:90:
>>>> Error: Cannot push while operation is in progress: push
>>>> happens.
>>>> What's done wrong?
>>>> --
>>>> Marcin
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