Yes, fair point.

IIRC, we decided there weren't enough motivating examples to make it worth 
adding action-queueing behaviour to the PageStack.  If people keep hitting this 
problem, though, it could be worth revisiting.

That said, working around the problem is usually simple, and making the 
PageStack support more complicated API patterns could lead users to get 
themselves into deeper trouble, that's harder to diagnose and fix :-)

From: [] 
on behalf of J-P Nurmi []
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:45 AM
To: Sailfish OS Developers
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] A welcome dialog and pageStack's operation in      

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 11:25 PM, Matthew Vogt <> wrote:
> Hi, 'Page.status' is the correct property to watch for avoiding this problem.
> Here is an example of what you could do:
> import QtQuick 2.0
> import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
> ApplicationWindow {
>         initialPage: Component {
>                 Page {
>                         anchors.fill: parent
>                         Label {
>                                 anchors.centerIn: parent
>                                 text: 'Main page'
>                         }
>                         property bool showSplash: true
>                         onStatusChanged: {
>                                 if (status == PageStatus.Active && 
> showSplash) {
>                                         showSplash = false
>                                         pageStack.push(splashPage)
>                                 }
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
>         Component {
>                 id: splashPage
>                 Page {
>                         Label {
>                                 anchors.centerIn: parent
>                                 text: 'Splash page'
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> }
> Thanks,
> Matt

Hi Matt,

Notice that essentially the same problem occurs when a dialog/page is
triggered by an external event. User navigates the UI meanwhile eg. a
network event triggers a dialog => PageStack is busy so it just bails
out and user misses the dialog. As a workaround, waiting until
PageStack is no longer busy gets pretty ugly.

J-P Nurmi
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