Hi everyone,

  I need some help between choosing ListView or Repeater.
I've got a SilicaListView whose elements I want to remove(only remove,
never add) dynamically from GUI. When I have fairly a long list count(~25),
reaching the element with ListView.contentItem.children[index] is not
possible for the mid to end of the list, probably because ListView destroys
items that are not visible. When that happens children[index] will not
refer to the same element as model.index and therefore I cannot call
remove() on the item. Using a Repeater would of course prevent this, but I
don't think I can have a RemoveAnimation and I think I would have to reset
the model.

  Is there another way that I didn't think of that would allow me to remove
items from my model with animation and would allow me to have a list up to
1000 members(in real use it will probably be under 100) long?

      Thanks in advance
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