Hello Olah,

I would not recommand using Repeater for long list views, as Repeater do not 
manage the items. As you have guessed, ListView destroys items that are out of 
the view, to save memory and have better performances.

In your case, the best way is to animate the removal only if the item is 
visible. This can be achieved quite easily:

1. create a signal inside the ListView (like doRemoval(int index)), and give it 
an id
2. inside each delegate, connect this signal to a method to perform animation 
and removal. Don't forget if the index sent by doRemoval matches the index of 
the delegate.
3. Send the signal when an item have to be removed, passing the index. If this 
item is out of the displayed items, nothing will happen, but if it is inside, 
the item will be removed.


----- Mail original -----
De: "Krisztian Olah" <fasza2mob...@gmail.com>
À: "Sailfish OS Developers" <devel@lists.sailfishos.org>
Envoyé: Vendredi 10 Octobre 2014 17:00:42
Objet: [SailfishDevel] ListView vs Repeater

Hi everyone, 

I need some help between choosing ListView or Repeater. 

I've got a SilicaListView whose elements I want to remove(only remove, never 
add) dynamically from GUI. When I have fairly a long list count(~25), reaching 
the element with ListView.contentItem.children[index] is not possible for the 
mid to end of the list, probably because ListView destroys items that are not 
visible. When that happens children[index] will not refer to the same element 
as model.index and therefore I cannot call remove() on the item. Using a 
Repeater would of course prevent this, but I don't think I can have a 
RemoveAnimation and I think I would have to reset the model. 

Is there another way that I didn't think of that would allow me to remove items 
from my model with animation and would allow me to have a list up to 1000 
members(in real use it will probably be under 100) long? 

Thanks in advance 
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