
I'm trying to implement a slippery map in my QML app using the

I have based the Map usage on some tutorials I have found on the net.

My app compiles, installs and runs without any errors, but only my
pulldown menu appears, the map area is clear, only the background is

Im the QML file I have implemented the as follows:

            Map {
                id: map
                enabled: true
                anchors.fill: parent // parent is for test purposes 
                                     // 400 * 400 pixels
                center: QtPositioning.coordinate(55,10)
                zoomLevel: 7
                Plugin {
                  id: plugin
                  allowExperimental: true
                  preferred: ["osm"]
                  required.mapping: Plugin.AnyMappingFeatures
                  required.geocoding: Plugin.AnyGeocodingFeatures

Any ideas?


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