
15.10.2014, 22:57, Kim Foder kirjoitti:
Im the QML file I have implemented the as follows:

             Map {
                 id: map
                 enabled: true
                 anchors.fill: parent // parent is for test purposes
                                     // 400 * 400 pixels
                 center: QtPositioning.coordinate(55,10)
                 zoomLevel: 7
                 Plugin {
                   id: plugin
                   allowExperimental: true
                   preferred: ["osm"]
                   required.mapping: Plugin.AnyMappingFeatures
                   required.geocoding: Plugin.AnyGeocodingFeatures

Any ideas?

You need to assign the plugin to the plugin property. And it should be enough to just give the name parameter. Try

Map {
    plugin: Plugin { name: "osm" }

Also, you might need to set the zoom level under onCompleted.


Osmo Salomaa <otsal...@iki.fi>
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