On 12/7/2014 11:33 AM, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
However, the main thing that motivated me to dig into the issue and send the mail was libsailfishapp. That library is, AFAIK, only relevant on Sailfish, and also requires one to add special code in main(). That can't be done at

There, you said it yourself - if what you want is to detect a library, then that's what you should be doing. That also goes for the includes, linker flags, etc - that's why people invented pkgconfig and such. This way you avoid the problems of "what if not all Sailfish devices have that lib in the future (or their API changes)" and similar.

The same would apply for, say, Ubuntu - if I want to write lenses/scopes for it, then I
should be checking for libunity, and not a Q_OS_UBUNTU.

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