On 11. des. 2014 10:06, k...@foder.dk wrote:
The fact that the installation hangs (and freezes the desktop) at "Generating 
keys" and the entropy pool is very low, made me believe there was a connection.

Well, no. Running out of entropy should never freeze the desktop. (If it did, that would be a DoS-class operating system bug.)

The symptoms sound more like what would happen if there was too much
I/O, too many programs running, too much memory used, and perhaps too
much swap space: the system would start swapping so heavily it would
become totally unresponsive.

This is of course the first things I checked: Lots of memory free (> 2G), no disk 
access at all when installation hangs, 2 programs running system-monitor & 

In that case, the only other things *I* can think of that might freeze the desktop are some problem with the X server (perhaps unlikely), or some problem with the virtual machines. Virtualization involves both the kernel and the CPU, and thus might hang your machine if it doesn't work right. Does your virtualbox work at all with your new kernel?

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