
I'm using SailWave [1] for internet radio streaming and it works just fine
even with the screen locked. I took a quick look and didn't notice any
special things to keep it alive. Maybe you could look into that and compare
to yours.


[1] https://github.com/ejjoman/harbour-sailwave

2015-01-14 23:13 GMT+06:00 Kaj-Michael Lang <mil...@tal.org>:

> I've just noticed an issue with streaming playback and power saving.
> My radio streaming app works fine when the device is active, but soon
> after the screen is locked (about 2-3 seconds) and blanked the stream
> start to stutter and after a while the connection is lost.
> If I keep playing around to keep the device active the playback works
> fine.
> Do I need to do something to tell the device to not go into such a deep
> sleep or is this a bug in the power saving ?
> IMHO the OS should notice, that ok that app is doing audio playback/have
> an active network connection and not go into too deep sleep.
> --
> Kaj-Michael Lang <mil...@tal.org>
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