
On 29.05.2015 11:14, Michele Tameni wrote:
As many other of us I backed the tablet, and now I'm curious if the early
access to the SDK will be limited to the developer in the program or will
be opened up to every one?

Seems this needs a little bit of explanation.

Plan was to ship an 'early SDK' (for the developer program) just with a build target, without any 'tablet emulator' (we are not sure, that we get that working till then). So our thinking was that it does not make a lot of sense if you can build the software for the tablet, but don't have any target to try it out. So this led to a wording in the announcement text, which might give the impression that this SDK is exclusive just for the participants of the developer program. It's more that we don't think it's very useful for others. It's very likely that already this 'early SDK' already can be downloaded by anybody.

And the plan is, as soon we have an SDK which also contains a 'tablet emulator' and works, we will make it public available for all, so you can start porting your apps. This might be already fall together with the start of the developer program, or be a little later.

Sorry for any confusion and I hope this explains it.

thanks and best regards

I will like to have the ability to check and port my apps to the new
devices before it will be in the hand of the many backers, and as the
delivery should be in July having the SDK in June seems good even if we
have to wait the tablet outside the developer program.

2015-05-29 9:57 GMT+02:00 Tone Kastlunger <users.giulie...@gmail.com>:

It's an interesting question! I back it up!

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 10:56 AM, Andrey Kozhevnikov <
coderusin...@gmail.com> wrote:

  Thank you, cool news. What about developers, who backed tablet on

29.05.2015 12:52, Iekku Pylkka пишет:


Here’s text version from today’s blog post about Tablet Develor Device
Loan Program Pilot, you can check full version from:


Jolla Tablet Developer Device loan program starting soon

 From the launch of Jolla smartphpone, to the opening of Jolla Harbour [0]
(accepting apps to Jolla Store), to the recent introduction of the Jolla
tablet [1], our community members have asked for a Developer Program they
can participate in. This demand for a Developer Program certainly did not
go unnoticed!

Already about a year ago, we introduced the community beta (cbeta) group
as an endeavor to collect feedback from our community. We take this
opportunity to thank our cbeta members for making this a success by giving
us honest feedback on how each release candidate is perceived!

In addition we’ve been paving the road for a smoother developer
experience every step of the way. Some of our efforts have included:
accepting more APIs for Harbour, regular Sailfish OS and open source
collaboration meetings, renewing Sailfish OS portal at sailfishos.org
[2], and also bringing the missing Silica documentation [3] back.

Introducing the Jolla Tablet Developer Device loan program

We are now ready to take the next step in our Developer Program, and
pilot a developer program for the Jolla Tablet! We have decided to make the
pilot phase invite-only, to keep the program focused and manageable as we
start it off.

We aim for an Unlike Developer Program, fitting the unique needs of our
community. The developers who will be getting their personal invitations
within the next few weeks are hand-picked based on their technical
contributions to Sailfish OS. These are active community members (including
current cbeta members), and we trust that they will provide appropriate
feedback during the pilot to serve the program expansion in the future.

What we are piloting now is the Jolla Tablet Developer Device loan
program. Within the program we will ship a number of loan devices to
selected developers by the end of June, along with early access SDK and
tablet Software Release(s). As the SDK and tablet software releases aren’t
public yet, the devices and software will be given out for selected
developers under a common Product Loan Agreement (PLA).

In return, we expect feedback in the form of failure reports and
suggestions for better process. We are taking this step by step, so please
be patient. We will see how it goes and evaluate what else we can provide
or what is needed from the developer community.

If you do not receive an invitation for the program pilot, please do not
worry and bear with us for a little longer. We will share info about future
opportunities to join the Developer Program as it grows.

[0]  <https://harbour.jolla.com/>https://harbour.jolla.com/

[1] <https://jolla.com/tablet>https://jolla.com/tablet

[2] <http://sailfishos.org/>http://sailfishos.org/

[3]  <https://sailfishos.org/develop/docs/silica/>

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