Hi !

Thanks for your efforts. This is really great, especially for beginners (like 
me !).

I have another suggestion : would it be possible to open the documentation to 
community ?
I think a few people here could easily provide some good how-tos and 
explanations about different subjects. Someone at Jolla would "just" have to 
review it before publishing it.

For example, right now, Lucien (aka SfietKonstantin) is giving some great 
explanations on IRC about "How to consume data from the Internet". That's 
something a lot of people might be interested in.



----- Mail original -----
> Hello all
> We have been looking into ways to improve the developer experience on
> Sailfish OS. This has lead into developing a bunch of new
> documentation.
> The first one of these deals with combining Qml with C++ and has just
> been put on the web site:
> https://sailfishos.org/develop/sdk-overview/combining-c-with-qml/
> We have a few others in the pipeline on how to do development without
> Qt
> Creator for those of you who prefer other tools and how to do SDL
> apps.
> If there are other areas you would like tutorials on, do let us know.
> Thanks
> --
> Jussi Pakkanen
> SDK Lead developer
> Jolla
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