Thu, 4 Jun 2015 18:24:33 +0200 (CEST) François K. <>:
Hi !

Thanks for your efforts. This is really great, especially for beginners (like 
me !).

I have another suggestion : would it be possible to open the documentation to 
community ?
I think a few people here could easily provide some good how-tos and explanations about 
different subjects. Someone at Jolla would "just" have to review it before 
publishing it.

For example, right now, Lucien (aka SfietKonstantin) is giving some great explanations on 
IRC about "How to consume data from the Internet". That's something a lot of 
people might be interested in.


For possible inspiration - Fedora has its own documentation initiative and this is its "how to contribute/help out" page:

Kind Regards
Martin Kolman

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