Hi Chris.
You can browse the commit history of projects in github by clicking on the 
little 'clock' button at the top of the project page:

Or, by using the commits URI:

Unfortunately, it's not so easy to map from commits in the project history to 

From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] 
on behalf of christopher.l...@thurweb.ch [christopher.l...@thurweb.ch]
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 3:12 PM
To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel 
Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"

Am 2015-08-12 04:52, schrieb Matthew Vogt:
> Hi Chris.
> Although I can't speak with any authority on Telepathy, I agree with
> your assessment.
> I think that nemomobile issues are handled using the Mer bugzilla
> these days, at https://bugs.merproject.org/
> Thanks,
> Matt
> ________________________________________
> From: devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org
> [devel-boun...@lists.sailfishos.org] on behalf of
> christopher.l...@thurweb.ch [christopher.l...@thurweb.ch]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 1:09 AM
> To: devel@lists.sailfishos.org
> Subject: Re: [SailfishDevel] Sending SMS via Telepathy: Error "Channel
> Dispatcher .. does not support interface CD.I.Messages"
> Hi Matt
> Having spent some hours pouring over the nemomobile TelepathyQt /
> Mission-Control code in Github, it looks to me like
> TelepathyQt and MissionControl master branches are out of sync (and
> hence the packages on my Jolla will also be out of sync).
> https://github.com/nemomobile-packages/telepathy-mission-control/tree/master/telepathy-mission-control/xml
> still has the interface in draft form
> (Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages_DRAFT.xml), but in TelepathyQt
> the equivalent is now Channel_Dispatcher_Interface_Messages1.xml (i.e.
> "undrafted").
> I have also had a peek in the collabora git for
> telepathy-mission-control, and find these 2 commits that undraft the
> interface on the mission-control side.
Hi Matt

thanks for taking the time to have a look as well.

In the meantime I have opened a bug report in the mer / nemomobile
bugzila https://bugs.nemomobile.org/show_bug.cgi?id=847.

Our of pure academic interest I am curious to find out the change
history of the telepathy packages installed on the device - to see which
update "broke" the interface between the 2 packages.

On a more practical vein, given that the Jolla SMS app also uses
Telepathy, and is able to send SMSes, it must be taking a different
route through the Telepathy code: so I am now digging through the
nemo-qml-plugin-messages to better understand this.

They seem to use the textChannel.send() method, whereas I was using the


> https://git.collabora.com/cgit/freedesktop.org-mirror/telepathy/telepathy-mission-control.git/commit/?id=ba72fef52e9769e3da6b7f4dddbb8ffdc1cecdde
> https://git.collabora.com/cgit/freedesktop.org-mirror/telepathy/telepathy-mission-control.git/commit/?id=d24d5591801b9b874cc328c7d516a86e50a1bc2e
> I guess that the Telepathy modules previously on my device both had the
> interface in DRAFT form which explains why the code previously worked.
> What is the best way of reporting this? https://bugs.nemomobile.org/ ?
> Chris
> Am 2015-08-10 02:15, schrieb Matthew Vogt:
>> Mission control appears to implement the
>> "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ChannelDispatcher.Interface.Messages1"
>> interface now - see:
>> https://github.com/nemomobile-packages/telepathy-qt/commit/6f0177bc024f3f7bce94c0abc283fba1c3b8a0d1
>> Perhaps your telepathy-qt packages and your telepathy-mission-control
>> packages are not in sync?
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
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