
Thanks for the hints. I ended to dbus solution for two reasons:

1. It is currently supported by Jolla Harbour
2. In my code the CellId update didn't work reliable in QtSystemInfo solution. The app did not always update the cell info when the cell was changed. E.g. if you changed the phone from 4G to 2G QtSystemsInfo did not change the CellId info like DBus solution.

To get info and examples for dbus coding was not very easy for me. First you have to somehow find right services, interfaces and paths and test them with dbus-send command with your jolla. Then you are ready to code DBusInterface. Still in phase to find right parameters to get wifi SSIDs.

If my DBus code helps some other it can be found from https://github.com/Rikujolla/oontoissa/blob/master/qml/harbour-oontoissa.qml , lines 59-79


14.01.2016, 12:17, Oleksii Serdiuk kirjoitti:
Right, but why reinventing the wheel when there's already the code that does it? :-)

My plan is to get rid of my workaround as soon as Qt SystemInfo gets whitelisted, so I didn't want to bother writing the code that I will throw away in future.

On 12/01/16 13:01, Кожевников Андрей Андреевич wrote:
you can read /etc/sailfish-version and etc.

12.01.2016 18:00, Oleksii Serdiuk пишет:
Well, just for getting cell info - yes, should be enough to query
ofono(?) through dbus.

For my case, Inned more info, like device model, OS version, etc. So
custom-built libQt5SystemInfo.so.5 is a drop-in replacement until Qt
SystemInfo gets whitelisted: I'll only have to remove it from the RPM
without needing to change anything in my app.

On 12/01/16 12:53, Кожевников Андрей Андреевич wrote:
In most cases you can fetch information using dbus calls without using
systeminfo lib.

12.01.2016 17:51, Oleksii Serdiuk пишет:
I've had a similar issue: I needed Qt SystemInfo to integrate
analytics into my app.

The recommended way to solve linking against non-whitelisted
libraries, is to ship them together with your app. However, just
taking libQt5SystemInfo.so.5 from Sailfish repos and putting it into
your RPM won't work: it links against other non-whitelisted libraries
(namely, SSU, and SSU links further). So my solution was to build a
custom version of libQt5SystemInfo.so.5, which excludes
non-whitelisted libs.

The source for Sailfish version of Qt SystemInfo is available here:

I don't remember the qmake flags exactly (I can check them when I'm
back home, if you need), but I think they were:
> qmake CONFIG+=ofono CONFIG+=nox11option

This will produce Harbour-compatible version of libQt5SystemInfo.so.5
which you can link against and include into you RPM.

Or, you can reuse my version of it. It's available here:

libQt5SystemInfo.so.5 is in rpm/lib/<arch> folder. You can take a look at taot.pro (lines 263-264, 278, and 284), rpm/harbour-taot.yaml (line
44), and rpm/harbour-taot.spec to see how I include the lib into RPM.

On 11/01/16 03:29, Riku Lahtinen wrote:

I developed an app At Work, which records the time you stay at work by
using GPS. Because of the poor GPS functionality in buildings and
response of the app users I added a feature to utilize a cell
information also. For that I needed to import QtSystemInfo 5.0. I got
that to work by inserting two lines to spec file and everything
seems to
be working. Though the app doesn't pass the Jolla Harbour rpm check,
because QtSysteminfo is not accepted in the test.

Does anybody know when QtSystemInfo is accepted to be used or are
other paths to proceed? I know OpenRepos is one way but I like the
they do in Jolla Harbour very much to increase the reliability of our

Best Regards


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