> run as root: "journalctl -a -f"

Allright, thanks. Now it decided to work, and I don't have time to wait for it 
to stop working so I'll report some logs tomorrow.

But don't worry, I caught a nice red error message right away after connecting 
the headset:

Jolla kernel: 12cap_sock_connect: failed -115

In fact, there were two of those. 

After reconnecting the headset I got this twice:

Jolla kernel: wlan: [some numbers] Deactivating heartbeat link monitoring

Then some normal stuff and the first warning again, followed by 

Jolla bluetoothd[816]: Refusing unexpected connect from [headset mac or similar]

The headset, WLAN and Nettiradio are working now. 

Anyway, I'll post full logs tomorrow when I get my hands on a computer and 
possibly reproduce the weird behaviour. (posting these from Jolla, typing with 
a BT keyboard connected after collecting logs and stopping journal).


Lähetetty Jollastani
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