Sadly the US is not a shipping location, I am sure it is related to FCC, minor bummer as it would be cool to test it out.


stephen mahood
outreach & communication
free software foundation
GPG Key: 7CF9305D

On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 4:24 AM, Dylan Van Assche <> wrote:

On which website will it be available? I don't want to lose time with searching after the right URL.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [SailfishDevel] New Jolla Community Program Launching today - be prepared!
Local Time: 26 May 2016 7:02 AM
UTC Time: 26 May 2016 05:02

Dear Jolla community member,

As a recipient of this email you are among the loyal members of the Sailfish Community, and have accompanied and supported us along the way, a million thanks for that!

Later today at noon Central European Summer time (1pm in Finland, 11am in the UK) we will announce and open a new Sailfish Community Program. It will include a limited edition Sailfish OS community device, among other exclusive perks. As this program is open to everybody, and we only can take a limited amount of registrants to the program, we want to alert you, our closest community members about it beforehand.

Contrary to a normal marketing situation, this time we strongly ask you not to make much public noise about this before it is launched - this could decrease your or your fellow community members' possibility of getting in.

So please be alert and quick today and secure your registration!


On behalf of the whole Jolla team,
James Noori
Community Manager

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