I don't think ad experiences on Android is be relevant elsewhere. Android is an 
ad-saturated platform - it's become so easy to put ads in Android apps that its 
users have either become desensitized to them, or they've taken steps to 
disable them. They breed contempt in the developer for their users, and in the 
users towards the developers, and the only winner is the ad platform provider. 
I expect that if a framework like this appears on Sailfish, a blocker for it 
will swiftly follow.

A better approach would be a toolkit for unlocking extra/full functionality 
through easy donations/micropayments. There was already a suggestion in a 
community meeting to implement the Qt Purchasing API for this, as an 
alternative to paid store apps (which I also disagree with because of the DRM 
baggage it will inevitably bring). This approach is the most respectful on both 
the developer and the user sides.



On 30/05/2016 11:46 pm, Andrew Penkrat wrote:
I want to add my experience from the developer's point of view. I have an 
Android app with about 1000 installations (and 100 active users). This app has 
ads as well as an option to disable them for a $2 donation.

Nobody ever activated this option. So most probably I won't be able to get any 
revenue from the app without ads.

2016-05-30 23:22 GMT+03:00 Martin Kolman <martin.kol...@gmail.com 

    Mon, 30 May 2016 19:32:54 +0000 Alexey Andreyev:

    Hello, Zoltán! :)
    Feel free to criticize me, but... ads in our jolla? No, thanks! :)
    I subscribe to this - while I understand developers are looking for revenue 
streams I really like
    how current native Sailfish OS apps are pretty much add free (for one 
reason or another).
    Just take a look how reckless add usage ruins application usability on 
    I'm fine with donations, paid/premium versions, etc. but please no adds! :)
    I guess if you are a developer it make sence to ask for donations / create 
non-free apps, but please, no ads at all.
    (Espesially with additional web engine module loaded eating my resources)

    Again, this is just my opinion. I understand it opens new possibilities for 
some projects, etc, etc.

    пн, 30 мая 2016 г. в 21:48, Zoltán Lutor 

        I've progressed with implementing an open source wrapper for Vserv 
RESTful advertisement API in QML. Quote from API description:

            Vserv provides a simple HTTP based API to publishers/developers and 
other ad networks, etc. to fetch ads for mobile sites or mobile applications. 
The mobile device / server makes a HTTP request to Vserv Marketplace server 
with the required parameters and in response receives the ad in JSON format. 
This single API integration gives you the flexibility to fetch banner/ full 
screen / rich media ads.

        Available implementation is in pre-beta phase - quite majority of 
functionality works but there is still room for improvement.

        Since I'm not so experienced in this area of sw development - and 
especially newbie in Sailfish native development - */I would like to ask some 
help from the community in finishing it/*.

        It would be a general purpose QML wrapper around the API with necessary 
tailoring is needed for Sailfish - e.g. Webkit vs. WebView, etc. Maybe separate 
git branches are needed for different implementation(?) - I'm open for any 
reasonable proposal.

        Is there anybody willing to join? Reviewing, commenting - and of 
course, coding is more than welcome. [This is my first open source project, so 
comment from this aspect is welcome, too.]

        API descrption is here 
 code repository is in BitBucket 



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