Hi Joona,

how about to just allow post-install and pre-uninstall scripts?
Even Nokia allowed them for Harmattan apps in the OVI store... So I think there should be a way to check the scripts in the QA process to ensure that the scripts do nothing harmful.

In my wolEj app I used the pre-uninstall script [1] to remove launcher icons which the user could add as a shortcut to instantly wake up their favorite machines without opening the app. Without the script, after the removal of the app the launcher icons would have stayed there without icon and without any functionality and the user would have to remove them manually...

Maybe a solution to this could be, to just allow specific commands only - which could even be provided by the system (eg. sailfish-generate-icons $APPNAME $SOURCEPATH, sailfish-remove-launcher-icons $APPNAME, sailfish-cleanup-cache $APPNAME, sailfish-invoke-as-nemo $PATHTOEXEC, etc.)

[1] https://github.com/ejjoman/wolEj/blob/master/qtc_packaging/debian_harmattan/prerm

PS: Sorry for using this thread for this, but it seems to fit here quite well :)



Am 22.07.2016 09:17, schrieb Joona Petrell:

In theory you could use that to scale application's SVGs on device to
target pixel ratio as post-install step, unfortunately it is ran as
root and thus cannot be allowed for Store apps. Then you wouldn't need
to hardcode the pixel ratios to build time scripts. I'll dig deeper to
see what we could do there.


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