
I've had a look internally about this, and it's caught up in a larger overhaul 
of the whitelist and harbour rules aiming to make development more attractive 
to developers while remaining maintainable. This is part of the reason you 
haven't had any feedback yet, but also everyone's got caught up in the huge 
amount of work lately that you've now seen some news about.

It's not great when external PRs and bugs on the merproject bugzilla appear to 
look dead because they're blocked internally but not visibly, especially when 
someone's taken the time and trouble to investigate and submit something. Sorry 
about that. Even if the internal progress on such things can't be made public, 
an acknowledgement would be nice. The apparent silence doesn't mean your 
efforts aren't appreciated nor influential.

Hope that helps a bit,


On Saturday, 4 March 2017, rinigus wrote:
> Re OpenRepos: Sure, and I do. And through bundling I am publishing @Harbour. 
> But the main issue is the lack of response for a rather simple request. Even 
> a negative response is a response. 
> Sorry for complains. Enjoy the weekend and let's see if Jolla devs would 
> respond during the work hours :)
> rinigus
> On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Marcin Mielniczuk <marmistrz...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> You can always use OpenRepos... 
> On March 4, 2017 8:50:37 AM GMT+01:00, rinigus <rinigus....@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi, 
> one month + 10 days later - no response for PR nor SQLite linking from 
> Harbour / Jolla devs. Already had to ship few versions with SQLite bundled 
> with application as well. I'd say its rather poor response times already now 
> (with the response time not reached yet). 
> Rinigus
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 4:30 PM, rinigus <rinigus....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Slava, 
> thank you for this constructive suggestion. I submitted PR 
> https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator/pull/86 to add 
> sqlite into the list of allowed libraries. Hopefully, it will be accepted.
> Best wishes,
> Rinigus
> On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Slava Monich <slava.mon...@jolla.com> wrote:
> I believe rpm automatically detects the dependencies, even if they are not in 
> the spec. Removing the dependency from the spec might not help. There may be 
> some hackish ways of removing a dependency from the rpm headers but I don't 
> think that it would be a good idea. Better to spend time on hacking something 
> more useful than that.
> Another approach is to load the library with dlopen, e.g.
> https://github.com/monich/harbour-books/blob/master/app/stubs/libmagic.c
> This allows you to get around the harbour limitations and yet in every other 
> respect it's as good as linking with the system library. Of course by doing 
> so you assume the risk of using the unsupported api. Obviously, this kind of 
> trick should only be done to very stable libraries that are extremely 
> unlikely to disappear from the system and have a proven track record of 
> evolving in a backward compatible manner.
> I think the best solution is to add sqlite3 to allowed_libraries.conf and 
> submit a pull request:
> https://github.com/sailfish-sdk/sdk-harbour-rpmvalidator/blob/master/allowed_libraries.conf
> Cheers,
> -Slava
> Is the automatic checker not allowing it through with sqlite3 as a 
> requirement? Are you sure that you used the packagename used on jolla systems 
> for the requirement?
> During deployment as RPM, the specific error is 
>  Requires
> ========
> ERROR [libsqlite3.so.0] Cannot require shared library: 'libsqlite3.so.0'
> INFO [harbour-osmscout-server] Please see our FAQ here: 
> https://harbour.jolla.com/faq#2.6.0 how to use '__provides_exclude_from' and 
> '__requires_exclude' .spec file to avoid that
> earlier versions of this app were published in the store without any issues. 
> Its a part of the app evolution to require sqlite3 for its function, at least 
> for a time being.
> I agree that static linking of sqlite3 is not necessary and can be considered 
> as a bloat. Hence my question :)
> rinigus
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