Hi Harri,

You need to install libsailfishapp-launcher package on your phone. Add "Requires: libsailfishapp-launcher" to your .spec file so that this package gets installed automatically together with your app.

Here is the source for the launcher, for your reference:




I'm new to Sailfish, so please bear with me if I'm asking something obvious. I 
got my Sailfish X last week, and now I'm studying the SDK.

QML and QML+C++ examples work fine, both in the emulator and on the Xperia.

But I have a problem with the python example that is part of the tutorial in 
the SDK docs (i.e. this one: https://github.com/sailfishos/python-sample):

It works fine in the emulator, but on the phone it throws the following error:

bash: /usr/bin/sailfish-qml: No such file or directory
Application finished with exit code 127.

Is the example outdated? Or am I missing some package on the phone?

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