On Fri, Oct 20, 2017, at 00:41, Slava Monich wrote:
> ... but you can install an rpm by somehow transferring it to the phone 
> (e.g. by downloading it with the browser) and then tapping it in 
> Settings -> Transfers. You would have to allow installing untrusted 
> software first on the Settings -> Untrusted software page.
> I don't think this has anything to do with "pkcon refresh".

I constantly keep running into reports from users where the dependencies
cannot be found and the solution always is "pkcon refresh". As far as I
know that happens both with OpenRepos + Warehouse and the manual way you
describe. Please try to do something about this, it's annoying to tell
users they need developer mode and command line just to install an RPM.


Osmo Salomaa <otsal...@iki.fi>
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