Hi Liukas,

I suspect you'll be hitting the closed source components:



For some reason, there are no Jolla-backed replies regarding plans nor
timeline in opening them.

As for buteo, I think you should be able to compile it (as much as you can)
on regular SDK. At least, as far as I remember, carddav/caldav could be
done there. As for `iodata-qt5-type-to-c++` tool - no idea.

Good luck,


On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 1:57 PM, Lukáš Karas <lukas.ka...@centrum.cz> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I am little bit frustrated from the state of PIM on SFOS.
> It is painful to use Sailfish on primary phone when you are using google
> services for managing contacts and calendars. From rare activity
> in buteo-sync-plugins-social repository [1] seems to me that noone
> is activelly developing it right now.
> Fot that reason, I want to resolve some bugs [2] myself and create merge
> request. Before any programming I need environment for build and testing.
> I want to create docker environment (x86_64) for testing [3]. I am really
> the
> first one who is trying it? I don't find any existing docker image with Mer
> components... It is possibly that I am going to wrong direction, but I have
> good experince with developign inside docker and it was my first choice...
> Now the main question - when I try to build mer-core/timed, there are few
> `*.type` files that should be compiled by `iodata-qt5-type-to-c++` tool.
> But how this should be done in the build? In src/server/server.pro:17
> is defined IODATA_TYPES with list of these files, but there is nothing
> about
> it in generated Makefile. There is some qmake plugin or preparison step
> that I overlook?
> Regards, Lukas
> 1) https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/buteo-sync-plugins-social
> 2) https://together.jolla.com/question/162657/google-
> calendar-not-syncing-new-events/?sort=votes&page=1
> 3) https://github.com/Karry/mer-devel
> 4) https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/timed/blob/master/src/server/
> server.pro#L17
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