Tone Kastlunger wrote:

> Any source / patch available?
> would be awesome to test it, have some contacts lingering in my Jolla
> phone..

as mentioned only fist part is kind of done. Second part is still to be
done, but will take time as I have only ~1-2h/day free time.

So far as mentioned the buteo-syncfw was patched. It seems buteo-syncml did
not need any modifications, but I was looking since yesterday in
buteo-sync-plugins and it looks like more work will be required there. In
worst case couple of (complex) things need to be rewritten. An advice or
discussion would be good.
I would also enjoy sharing the code (and hopefully the work), but I do not
know where to upload. Looks like merproject is closed. 
I was going to ask this anyway, so thank you in advance for the response.
Also establishing a communication channel on the subject is good idea IMO.
There are things I do not understand fully.


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