Finally we might get contacts sync via BT \o/

Good luck warrior!


On Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 5:55 PM deloptes <> wrote:
> Hi Slava,
> Slava Monich wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> >> Hi,
> >> thank you for answering. I see both available in the SDK (I still have
> >>
> >>
> >> kf5bluezqt-bluez5-5.24.0+git15-1.3.2.jolla.i486
> >> libbluez-qt5-0.1.26-1.3.2.jolla.i486
> >>
> >> but I can not find source for libbluez-qt5 on mer. I find a note in
> >> Changelog for SFOS 2.2.1
> >>
> >> Can someone point to the repo used?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> thank you very much! I now see this is a library for bluez4. Thanks again!
> >> When I clone the source bluez-qt5 from KDE, I see that the the version is
> >> more mature than what is being used in kf5bluezqt-bluez5-5.24.0, but it
> >> also states dependency on Qt-5.10.
> >
> >
> > This could be a reasonable first step - to find out whether the latest
> > stuff really depends on Qt 5.10 or somebody was like "oh, I've just
> > switched to Qt 5.10, let's bump the dependency". I find it hard to
> > imagine that anything Qt 5.10 specific would be actually required by a
> > simple D-Bus wrapper.
> >
> >
> Hmm, yes indeed using the KDEs bluez-qt than what is in mer
> kf5bluezqt/bluez-qt seems to be of advantage. Perhaps kf5bluezqt/bluez-qt
> need to be lifted to KDEs bluez-qt one. It looks like they dropped support
> for bluez4 and added more features from bluez5.
> As it is coming from KDE, it might be that 5.10 is the version of Qt they
> are using. But indeed investigation is needed if it would work. This adds
> on top of what was originally intended :). However now at least the path is
> more or less clear kf5bluezqt/bluez-qt -> buteosyncfw ->
> buteo-sync-plugins. Wish me joy!
> >> Can you please comment on when new Qt version is expected? On the road
> >> map it says 5.9 will expire LST next year and we are stuck at 5.6. I know
> >> there was discussion in the past, but can't recall the details.
> >
> >
> > I don't know much about that either, just that it's a licensing/legal
> > issue. It's not technical.
> >
> Yes, indeed I recall reading the same, but was interested in what is planned
> for the future.
> Thanks and regards
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